Transcendenterfly God Deboth (蝶絶神デーボス) Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger (獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャー)

Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger (獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャー)
Deboth evolved into his true form, a form which he said was fitting for himself to annihilate humanity (as opposed to his Prehistoric Form which was used to annihilate the dinosaurs) after learning rage, sorrow and joy from humans, and called himself Transcendenterfly God Deboth
1:11 New Joyful Knight Killborero (新喜びの戦騎キルボレロ)
New Sorrowful Knight Icerondo (新哀しみの戦騎アイスロンド )
Deboth evolved into his true form, a form which he said was fitting for himself to annihilate humanity (as opposed to his Prehistoric Form which was used to annihilate the dinosaurs) after learning rage, sorrow and joy from humans, and called himself Transcendenterfly God Deboth
1:11 New Joyful Knight Killborero (新喜びの戦騎キルボレロ)
New Sorrowful Knight Icerondo (新哀しみの戦騎アイスロンド )