【ガンプラ】Part4 HGUCザクキャノンをあちこち改修しながら作る Making Zaku Cannon while remodeling here and there.

【ガンプラ】Part4 HGUCザクキャノンをあちこち改修しながら作る Making Zaku Cannon while remodeling here and there.

Hello modelers, this is NamiNami. The Zaku Cannon, which is currently in production, has also entered the painting process. This time, I will paint the back of the legs separately and assemble the leg frames that have been painted by the last time.
It’s a little short video, but I’d be happy if you could watch it until the end.

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#ガンプラ改造 #全塗装 #ザクキャノン
* * * チャプター * * *
00:00 まずはこちらをご覧ください / First, please take a look at this.
00:25 足ウラの塗り分け/ Coloring the soles of the legs.
00:41 キャンディーコート / Candy coat.
01:03 マスキング / masking
01:40 その他の色を塗る / Paint another color.
02:27 マスキングを剥がす / Peel off the masking.
02:54 脚部のフレームを組み立てる / Assemble the leg frame.
03:37 今回の作業結果 / Result of this work.